造時尚生活,頂上潮流。揭東縣陽冠工藝有限公司總面五萬平方米,員工1500人,坐落于廣東省揭陽市揭東縣,自1986年創(chuàng)辦以來,始終堅持“以質量求生存,以創(chuàng)新求發(fā)展”的經(jīng)營原則,秉承“質量,信譽,客戶至上”的經(jīng)營宗旨,不斷自我,為消費者服務。揭東縣陽冠帽業(yè)工藝有限公司是一家以生產(chǎn)彩帽、網(wǎng)帽、時裝帽、海軍帽、棒球帽、貝雷帽、針織帽等帽業(yè)有限公司。以新穎的設計、的品質、的服務、贏得萬千消費者的信賴,旗下“JAMONT”品牌四方,產(chǎn)品全國各地,并美國、英國、德國、日本、韓國等國家。揭東縣陽冠工藝有限公司的誠信、實力和產(chǎn)品質量獲得業(yè)界的認可。歡迎各界朋友蒞臨參觀、指導和業(yè)務洽談。Jiedong Yangguan Technology Co.,Itd,the designer as well as manufacturer of all sorts of headgears has all ways been trendy and fashionable in the peer industry.With a total floor of 50,000 km2 and a staff number of 1500,Yangguan has always been bosting an array of honors and rewards since 1986,thanks to her operational philosophy,i.e.,""to survive and thrive by quality improvement and technology development""and to her motto---""taking quality and integrity as No.1 priority and serving customers in the best possible way"".Her products covers various types,such as colored hat,mesh cap,fashion leisure hat,nevy hat,baseball cap beret ca,knitted caps and others.She has won hundreds of thousands of customers""tust,thanks to her original design,supreme quality and excellent service,""Yangguan""and""JAMONT"",her distinguished brands,are widely distributed home and abroad.